Recipe Roundup: Corn

We've put together a fantastic lineup of corn recipes: fritters, scallop and corn salad, flank steak with corn salsa and more.
Image of fresh corn
My father taught me to buy one ear of corn and sample it on the spot to see if it’s really fresh. Just-picked corn should be sweet as sugar, each kernel plump, bursting with flavorful corn milk. The husks should be moist and green and the silk, soft, slightly golden and, well, silky; not brittle and browned.

Really fresh corn is so flavorful that I actually prefer to eat mine raw; just husk and rinse. But when I’ve got a bagful and am looking for some palate-pleasing preparations, here are a few of my favorite recipes.
Corn Fritters
Corn Fritters
Not the greasy, deep-fried variety. These fritters are pan-fried without oil and boast fresh corn, red pepper and scallions, held together by eggs and just a little flour.
Grilled Corn and Avocado Salsa
Grilled Corn and Avocado Salsa
The combination of flavors in this dish is truly spectacular. Serve with chips or celery stalks and baby pepper halves for super-healthy scooping.
Grilled Flank Steak with Corn Black Bean and Avocado Salad
Grilled Flank Steak with Corn, Black Bean and Avocado Salad
Lightly seasoned steak is topped with a mildly spiced corn-based salad. The beans give it an earthy dimension, and the avocado lends buttery texture.
Pan Roasted Corn and Poblano Chili Pasta Salad
Pan-Roasted Corn and Poblano Chili Pasta Salad
The vegetables in this recipe are pan-roasted in a dry skillet to enhance their flavor without adding any fat. It’s a terrific way to impart taste; not calories.
Scallop Corn and Tomato Salad
Scallop, Corn and Tomato Salad
Fresh summer corn and juicy tomatoes–what a wonderful pair! Add the scallops and crispy snap peas and you’ve got a spectacular meal.

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