Is Your Workout Working?

Is Your Workout Working?
Is your workout one stretch, jump, or bench press short of really helping you get in shape? Take our quiz to find out.

You exercise a lot. In fact, you work out so hard you're tired all the time, and you sometimes feel extremely sore. But that means it's working.


You're on a mission to get in shape and this time, you include strength training, or weight lifting, in your routine. Every other day you lie on your son's bench and pump that bar a few times. That should make a difference.


When you're doing your aerobic routine—a daily walk, morning run or weekly modern dance class—the more you sweat, the better your workout.


When you're strength training, you should lift an amount of weight that makes it very difficult for you to lift the bar or free weight. Less than that is not enough.


You're getting ready for a good power walk, and you know you're supposed to warm up first. So you strap on your sneakers, stretch out your calves, hamstrings and quads, and then head out.


A good aerobic workout should make you feel only mildly out of breath.


Before and after your workouts, when you're stretching your muscles, you should bounce several times in each stretch, then move onto the next.


It's fine to lift weights on a bench without a spotter, as long as you reduce the amount of weight on the bar so that it's relatively easy.

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