Brunch Buffet Cheat Sheet

Practice your plate-filling strategy with our interactive guide, then treat yourself to our smart tips for on-Plan brunching.
Smart Tips to Try

Get a head start. A brunch date isn’t an excuse to skip breakfast. Eat some fresh fruit when you wake up in the morning, so that you aren’t famished (and primed to overeat) by the time you get to the restaurant.

Think beyond brunch. Before you leave the house, think about what you're likely to have for dinner that night. This way, you can have an idea of how many PointsPlus values you'd like to stick to at this midday meal.

Survey the scene. The buffet's not going anywhere, so there's no need to rush to fill your plate. Take a stroll down the length of the entire buffet to see all of the items that are available. If you start filling your plate with home fries only to see that grits (your favorite!) are available down the line, you're likely to eat a serving of both.

Drink smart. Drinking cocktails is a quick way for your PointsPlus values to pile up. Steer clear of "unlimited brunch cocktail" situations, where you might not be able to keep up with the refills. Have a glass of water or seltzer between each beverage.

Brush up on portion sizes. Know what a half cup looks like before you leave the house. What you think is a 1/2 cup of yogurt might actually be closer to a cup.

Don't discount condiments. Maple syrup, powdered sugar, ketchup, hollandaise sauce, and gravy can all add up. Make sure to factor these into your meal.

Veg out. If the buffet happens to have a salad bar, load your plate with 0 PointsPlus value veggies and low-fat dressing. You can fill up and save your Allowance for the items you really love.

Beware of grease! Because most buffet items are made in advance, there's little opportunity to ask for modifications like "light oil" or "no butter." Avoid these fatty pools when serving yourself home fries, grits, bacon, or sausage out of a chafing dish. Don't be scared to ask your server how something was prepared.

Plan a workout. If you plan on drinking a cocktail or two at brunch, go for an early morning walk or jog around the neighborhood. Otherwise, schedule an afternoon trip to the gym to gain some Activity PointsPlus values.

If all else fails... Don't forget you can always dip into your Weekly PointsPlus Allowance – that's what it's there for.

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