Easy with the Extras

All those little condiments, sauces and side dishes add up fast.
Easy with the Extras

A little mayo here...a french fry there...extras can really add up, especially when you're eating out. To stick to your PointsPlus® target, use this guide to determine which condiments, sauces and sides will give you the most bang for your buck.

Condiments, which can add a little zip to your sandwich or a tang to your main dish, are an easy way to increase flavor. But keep a good eye on which condiments you use, since some may have a higher PointsPlus value than you think. Below are PointsPlus values for common serving sizes of some popular toppings.

Between the Bun, PointsPlus values
Wise Choice:
  • Mustard: 1 tbsp = 0
  • Horseradish: 1 tbsp = 0
  • Ketchup: ¼ cup = 2
  • Fat-free mayonnaise: 4 tbsp = 1
  • Relish: 3 tbsp = 2
  • Barbecue sauce: ¼ cup = 1
Not so much:
  • Mayonnaise: 1 tbsp = 3
  • Tartar sauce: 2 tbsp = 4

At the Coffee Bar, PointsPlus values
Wise Choice:
  • Equal sweetener: 1 serving = 0
  • Ground cinnamon: 1 tbsp = 0
  • Skim milk: ½ cup = 1
Not so much:
  • Half and half cream: ¼ cup = 2
  • Sugar: 2 tbsp = 2
  • Chocolate syrup: 2 tbsp = 3

Breakfast at the Diner, PointsPlus values
Wise Choice:
  • Preserves: 1 tbsp = 1
  • Honey: 1 tbsp = 2
  • Lite pancake syrup: 3 tbsp = 2
Not so much:
  • Butter: 1 tbsp = 3
  • Pancake syrup: 3 tbsp = 4
  • Peanut butter: 2 tbsp = 5

At the Salad Bar, PointsPlus values
Wise Choice:
  • Fat-free Italian salad dressing: 2 tbsp = 1
  • Imitation Bacon Bits: 1 tbsp = 1
  • Sunflower seeds: 1 tbsp = 1
  • Reduced-calorie salad dressing: 2 tbsp = 3
Not so much:
  • Blue cheese: 1/4 cup= 3
  • Seasoned croutons: 1 cup = 5
  • Creamy salad dressing: 2 tbsp = 4
  • Italian-type salad dressing: 2 tbsp = 2

Get Saucy
A heavy sauce can ruin the best of intentions when you're eating out, sometimes without your even knowing it. Descriptions such as "au gratin,"; "alfredo" or "béarnaise" should raise a red flag, while "au naturel," "primaverav or "in broth" are generally green lights. Below are PointsPlus values for some wise and not-so-wise sauce options.

Sauces, PointsPlus values
Wise Choice:
  • Vegetable broth: 1 cup = 0
  • Chili sauce: 1/3 cup = 0
  • Cocktail sauce: 1/4 cup = 0
  • Pizza sauce: 1/4 cup = 1
  • Black bean sauce: 1/4 cup = 3
  • Duck sauce: 1/4 cup = 3
  • Marinara sauce: 1/2 cup = 3
Not so much:
  • Kung Pao sauce: 1/2 cup = 7
  • Canned peanut sauce: 1/2 cup = 9
  • Hollandaise sauce: 1/4 cup = 8
  • Béarnaise sauce: 1/4 cup = 8
  • Alfredo sauce: 1/2 cup = 10
Side Dishes
An extra this-or-that on the plate can complement any meal. But keep an eye on the PointsPlus values, and ask for substitutions when possible. Most restaurants will be happy to oblige.

Side Dishes, PointsPlus values
Wise Choice:
  • Asparagus, steamed: 1 cup = 0
  • Cooked winter squash: 1 cup = 0
  • Baked potato: 1 medium = 3
  • Cooked pasta: 1 cup = 5
Not so much:
  • Fried onion rings: 4 pieces = 7
  • Sautéed vegetables: 1 cup = 7
  • Garlic mashed potatoes: 1 cup = 10
  • Macaroni and cheese: 1 cup = 10
  • French fries: 20 pieces = 11
  • Au gratin potatoes: 1 cup = 14
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