Ultimate Walking Challenge: Part 5

To salute you on your success so far, we've devoted this Challenge to prepping you for race day.
Ultimate Walking Challenge

Go the Distance

The editors at Weight Watchers Magazine and WeightWatchers.com have been blown away by all the feedback on our Walking Challenge. Readers have been training for the half marathon in droves, and they've been sharing their enthusiasm through letters and Message Board threads.

To salute you on your success so far, we've devoted this Challenge to prepping you for race day.

We tackle your concerns, supply tools for dealing with them and provide you with an 8-week routine, designed by June Kahn, Reebok master trainer and a walking instructor in Colorado. Now's your chance to fine-tune your training. The finish line awaits!

Training Q&A
At this point in the Challenge, you likely have a pressing question or two: Whether it's how to make time for your longer training sessions or how to remedy a side stitch. To find out what issues you may be facing now, we consulted the Walking Challenge Groupies, readers who formed their own message board on WeightWatchers.com to share info about the Challenge. Here, Therese Iknoian, editor in chief of geartrends.com, answers their biggest questions.

How can I squeeze longer walks into my day?
Try splitting your walk into two or even three sessions. Instead of 90 minutes in one shot, for example, walk 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening, or split it up in another way that works for you. Another idea: Buy yourself time first thing in the morning by setting your alarm 30 minutes earlier. That way you'll have extra time for an a.m. walk before your day begins.

What should I eat to maximize my energy now that I'm walking more?
The winning combo for energy is complex carbs mixed with a little protein. Before a walk, eat a couple of turkey slices on half a whole-grain bagel or a tablespoon of peanut butter on whole-grain crackers. A banana and light yogurt are also good energy options.

When I take my walks outside, I'm frequently stopped by chatty neighbors. Any solutions?
Do a little advance work: Walk around when you're not doing your "official" routine, and spread the news that you're in training for a half marathon. Hearing about your goals will help neighbors understand that you can't stop and chat when you're on a training walk; your words should serve as a subtle hint.

I get side stitches when I walk. What's causing them?
Fast, hard breathing or eating a heavy meal before a walk may cause a painful "stitch" beneath the rib cage. Prewalk stretches help prevent stitches. If you feel one when walking, stop and extend the arm on the affected side up toward the sky while inhaling to contract your abs. This stretch will help ease the ache.

I have a cold. Should I walk anyway?
Experts advise that you not work out if you have a below-the-neck illness, such as bronchitis. If it's above the neck—a head cold—stick to an easy workout or shorten the distance and slow the pace. When you feel better, increase your mileage by 10 to 15 percent over the previous week's total.

Are your sneakers up to the challenge?
If you've been wearing your sneakers since you began our Challenge, it may be time for an upgrade. David Davidson, D.P.M., an officer of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, dispels two common myths about buying new sneaks:

Fiction: As soon as your soles look worn, it's time for new sneakers.
Fact: It's the shock-absorbent material inside the sneaker that wears out first, not the soles. If you walk more than three times a week, your sneaks will last six months; replace sneakers accordingly.

Fiction: You need new sneakers for the race.
Fact: Never wear brand-new sneakers when you race: They might cause blisters and other injuries. Start wearing your race-day sneakers about a month before the race to make sure they fit properly and are comfortable on long-distance walks.

Tip: For extra support and cushioning, wear running sneakers rather than cross-trainers or walking shoes on race day; break them in now.

Stepping It Up: Weeks 33 to 40
Propel yourself through the finish line on race day by boosting your endurance now. Here you'll mix up longer walks with shorter ones and add a weekly cardio activity to burn extra calories. We're giving you Wednesdays and Sundays off to rest.

Tip: Click "Print" at the top of this page for a portable copy of the plan.

Week 33
Monday 3 1/2 miles in 1 hr.
Tuesday 3 miles in 55 min.
Thursday 4 miles in 1 hr. 10 min.
Friday Cardio activity for 40 min.
Saturday 5 miles in 1hr. 30 min.
WEEKLY TOTAL 15 1/2 miles
Week 34
Monday 4 miles in 1 hr. 10 min.
Tuesday 3 miles in 55 min.
Thursday 4 miles in 1 hr. 8 min.
Friday Cardio activity for 45 min.
Saturday 6 miles in 1 hr. 42 min.
Week 35
Monday 4 1/2 miles in 1 hr. 20 min.
Tuesday 3 miles in 50 min.
Thursday 4 1/2 miles in 1 hr. 20 min.
Friday Cardio activity for 50 min.
Saturday 6 1/2 miles in 1 hr. 55 min.
WEEKLY TOTAL 18 1/2 miles
Week 36
Monday 5 miles in 1 hr. 15 min.
Tuesday 3 miles in 50 min.
Thursday 5 miles in 1 hr. 25 min.
Friday Cardio activity for 50 min.
Saturday 7 miles in 2 hrs.
Week 37
Monday 4 miles in 1 hr. 8 min.
Tuesday 3 miles in 45 min.
Thursday 4 miles in 1 hr. 8 min.
Friday Cardio activity for 45 min.
Saturday 6 miles in 1 hr. 45 min.
Week 38
Monday 4 1/2 miles in 1 hr. 20 min.
Tuesday 3 miles in 45 min.
Thursday 5 miles in 1 hr. 25 min.
Friday Cardio activity for 50 min.
Saturday 7 1/2 miles in 2 hr. 20 min.
Week 39
Monday 5 miles in 1 hr. 25 min.
Tuesday 3 miles in 45 min.
Thursday 5 1/2 miles in 1 hr. 35 min.
Friday Cardio activity for 55 min.
Saturday 8 miles in 2 hr. 20 min.
WEEKLY TOTAL 21 1/2 miles
Week 40
Monday 5 1/2 miles in 1 hr. 35 min.
Tuesday 3 miles in 45 min.
Thursday 6 miles in 1 hr. 45 min.
Friday Cardio activity for 60 min.
Saturday 8 1/2 miles in 2 hr. 25 min.

This article is excerpted from the September/October issue of Weight Watchers Magazine. Subscribe today to get great features like this one delivered right to your door!

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